Thursday, August 13, 2009

level 400

Today is a last day in level 400. The numbers of my classmates have decreased so fast, and the time has flown over my thinking. I didn’t expect that I closed to final exam until yesterday when we did the review in class. I have learnt many things in this level, and I also noticed that some people didn’t like me because I am very talkative sometimes. I want to say sorry if I was bothering you.

In my opinion, this class was much more difficult than 300. When we started, I often felt very disappointed about myself because I knew I couldn’t follow our materials, and my friends are so good. However, I think I have more confident now. Thus, I have to say thank you to many people such as all my teachers, who have taught me a lot of new thing to improve my English skills, and my classmates. I know my pronunciation has problem, but you tried to understand me and work with me. I am glad about that. Hihi

Finally, KEEP IN TOUCH even though you will go to another program or another school. For all of you who take vacation to go back your country, bright gift for me, please. If you don’t know what I want, just ask me. I am so happy to answer that question. Hihi.

Monday, August 10, 2009

picture is here
Culture shock is the feeling when people first come to an unusual place or adopt a new culture, which is totally different from where they lived before. People might feel unfamiliar with the weather. They will never expect the cold weather, and dark sky for days since this didn’t happened in their country. For that reason, many new citizens, especially students, could be affected by this climate. The next thing which can make students tired in a new place is food. The food, such as the taste, the recipe or their cooking skill may lead them to eat more fresh fruit, vegetable, and feed themselves the better food. Third, people might feel surprised, afraid, not know what to do in the first time they enter a new social situation in another country. The cause of those things is the life style. For example, people go so fast with a serious, or express their emotion in public such as kissing would make students feel very strange. Otherwise, thinking about relationships between males and females can be one of those reasons, especially if there is a vibrant same sex culture. Fourth, dressing has a small effect in some cases, but it is the easiest thing to be adopted since British clothes are a little unfashionabe. However, there are two different seasons every year, so they should prepare many clothes for both warm and cold climates. Finally, the most difficult thing for student when they go to abroad is language. They may want to use their mother language as in their life everyday before. Because of the pronunciation, students will get more difficulty tiredness with English. The varied accents can make people hard to understand, so the students sometimes feel very disappointed. In short, to avoid culture shock, students can research some factors such as climate, dress, and social life and learn some English, and cooking; therefore, they will have adapted better.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Even though I sometimes feel very sad and homesick here, I have to say that Vancouver is so beautiful. In my blog, I have talked a lot about my country, so now I want to make an entry about Vancouver. I think I haven’t seen any disadvantage about Vancouver until now.

As you know, the most important thing I like here is the weather. I know some of you hate the rain here. If you come to my country, a tropical country, you will see a lot of heavy rain and it is so dusty because the air is much polluted there. That is the reason I like the rain in Vancouver better than the rain in Vietnam.

Next, I like the change of the seasons here. In my country, there are two seasons: dry and rain. However, every trees, streets, view will change every three months here. I am so surprise about that.
In the winter, there is just one color, white. I like the snow, but I don’t like when it melts, because it is so dirty.
What does Vancouver look like in the spring? It is awesome. There are a lot of cherry blossoms around the city. Pink is my favourite color, so when I see all streets with cherry flowers, I want to walk around there everyday. Hihi
Otherwise, you can enjoy sunshine at the beach, go to the park or have a BBQ with your friends. The summer is a good time for you. I know the summer is sometime too hot, and makes us so tired because we cant sleep, for example last week , but it is so nice, isn’t it?
Finally, we can’t forget the romantic season, autumn. I was very surprised when the first time I saw all trees' leaves change to red and yellow, it is so wonderful.

Last, I think Canadian people are so smart because they can organise a city like here. Vancouver is a big and economic city, but it is so quiet and peaceful.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How to Get a Job in Canada

picture is here
Finding a job in this economically critical time is very difficult nowadays. First, think about your strengths and the available jobs. It is crucial that you choose and write all the jobs that you like on a piece of paper. After that, you are going to look for the area which has one of those. Otherwise, if there is no job to fit you, volunteering is the best way to get experience which is a good thing for your future. Second, consider if you have a social insurance number yet because you cannot be hired without it. For this card, you can apply at any Human Resources Centre of Canada. Third, write a good CV for yourself or ask someone to help your. For example, you can go to a public library to find a book or go to the university or community college, so they can help you out. You must remember to carry your documentation with you to every interview. The reason is that it are the most important thing to make people know you and your abilities. Fourth, search for the job you want and give your CV to them. To find a job you can read the local news to know where they are hiring, or business magazine to notice some company that might need employees in the future. Sometimes you can remind people about yourself or your resume politely in a personal meeting or communicate with the person who works in that part. It will help them know you better before hiring you. Fifth, prepare carefully for the interview. For instance, you must show them that you are the person who needs for their work. Moreover, you can do some research about that company such as what they are doing and who is their customer, so they might think you are very interested in that work and want to do it. Also, it is vital to wear formal dress and be on time. Finally, never give up and do your best. As many people want to get one job, don’t feel bad if the company rejects your application. You can give your resume to many businesses to give yourself more changes to get a job. In addiction, it is important to remember that the career market is a game, so keep yourself in a good attitude. A year from now, you will have gotten a good job for your future and will have been earning more and more money.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

ho chi minh is the president of vietnam.

When I told I was Vietnamese, the first city comes up to their mind is Hochiminh( as know as saigon). Today, I am glad to put you in on this city.

First, we will know where this name comes from.
Ho chi minh is the most historical person in my country. He was a person who led our country to become independent country, so we use his name to call the biggest city there.

Second, let know something about this city.
If you want to learn about Vietnamese history, never go to Hochiminh, but it is very good for business person who want to invest money in Vietnam. The economic is very good there, yet much unemployment exists because the people from every where in Vietnam come here to looking for a job, and the supply job can’t satisfy the demand. Therefore, the salary is very low for the worker, the people who work by hand, and student who don’t have experience.

The weather is so hot in hochiminh. The average temperature is around 30 to 35 celsius.
For the hochiminh citizens, they often stay at home and working in the daytime, and enjoy their life at mid night. However, when you visit there, you can go around or drink coffee and go to countryside to visit. It is what I did when I went there. You have better don’t go out at 7-9am, 11h30-1pm, and 4h30 -6h30pm. Otherwise, I can meet a lot of traffic jam and breathe the polluted air.

What do you feel now? Boring city, terrible city? No it has many thing for you to play. Let’s see some good place there.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Banh xeo" vietnamese crepes recipe

vietnamese crepes is called banh xeo, and the picture is here

This is one of the traditional foods in my country. When you see it, you might think that these will be some eggs in the batter because it has a yellow color. However, I am sure that no eggs are inside, so let’s see what it is made from.

First, go to the market. You will buy rice flour, dried yellow mung beans, coconut, prawn, pork, lemongrass, onion, fish sauce, and pepper. Go to the Vietnamese market and ask them about “banh xeo” flour bag because one bag makes enough for three or four people.

Second, put the flour together with the coconut milk and water. It is important that to read how much water you need in the bag . if you want your food more delicious, use all the coconut instand of half of the coconut and half of the water.

Third, mix dried yellow mung beans with the crepe batter and the green onion. You must remember to add some salt.

Fourth, prepare an omelet pan to make it. Heat the pan for a few minute. After that put a bit of oil to the pan. When you think the oil is hot, add pork, and prawns and fry them. When they aren't raw any more, put a cup of crepe batter and lemongrass s the last one. Waiting five to six minutes and take it out.

Fifth, make the fish sauce. You already bought it in the market, but you have to change it a little. You should mix with some sugar, red pepper, fish sauce, lemon juice, so it will be more delicious.

Sixth, eat now. You can try with lettuce leaves, mint leaves, cilantro leaves, basil leaves, cucumber, and some pickled vegetable.

Instead of the prawns and the pork, you can use mushrooms or just prawns or only pork.

This one is not as special as the restaurant, but Vietnamese people often use this recipe to make food for our family because it is easy and fast.

I hope you will make it for you, your friends, and your family one day.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mức độ may mắn trong cuộc đời bạn ? on Facebook

this is vietnamese, so you dont need to read it. i just post it because i want my blog use not only for this class, but also for my friend and family in vietnam

Mức độ may mắn trong cuộc đời bạn ? on Facebook

75-99%Ôi!!! Bạn đuợc sinh ra một cách tuyệt vời, bạn giống như Ashley của Lindsay Lohan trong Just My Luck ấy. Bạn cực kỳ may mắn kể từ lúc bạn được sinh ra. Ví dụ nhé, một ngày nọ, tự dưng bạn cảm thấy khó chịu khi bị đau chân và không thể đi ra ngoài đuờng, nhưng nếu như ngày ấy mà chân bạn không đau thì bạn sẽ gặp phải một tai nạn khủng khiếp. Sự may mắn níu giữ rất nhiều thứ trong cuộc đời bạn, bảo vệ bạn khỏi những tai nạn, điềm xấu suốt từ lúc bạn sinh ra đến chết. Nhưng bạn đừng mừng vội, vì may mắn quá nhiều sẽ khiến bạn ỷ lại. Và một điều quan trọng nữa, đó là chỉ số may mắn cũng chính là chỉ số xui xẻo cụa bạn. Nghĩa là, khi bạn làm trái với tự nhiên, thì quyết định của bạn sẽ khiến 99% ấy trở thành cực kì xui xẻo. Tiếp theo ví dụ trên, nếu bạn bị đau chân màvẫn kiên quyết dùng mọi cách để ra ngoài thì dĩ nhiên tai nạn ấy sẽ thuộc về bạn. Song, chỉ cần cẩn thận là đuợc thôi. Điều tôi muốn chúc bạn không phải là may mắn nữa, vì bạn đã quá may mắn rồi, tôi chúc bạn sẽ có những quyết định đúng đắn!